Mother of hell. Literally. It's too hot for the wee island lass. I am eager to get to work, because we have a freezing cold office. Yum.
Much ado about work - Jane is leaving, Stephen is leaving. Big tidal waves of resulting crap are crashing upon all of us. Everyone is looking at me wondering "How the hell has she lasted this long?" Well my friends... who knows what the future holds? I do. The big bosses are in meetings today trying to "figure out" why everyone is leaving and how it can be "prevented". It can't. Oh wait - get new leadership, and new corporate culture and re-work the business model to suit today's marketplace. Prevention 101.
In the never ending saga of my personal life, there is little to report. Too busy with strategies and such work related endeavors to concern myself with the baser matters of life. I'll get there, though. God knows I love base things.
I have been drinking the hot afternoons away down on the deck at Le Gav. So shady, so much wine, so good. I'm thinking about asking Manny if I can rent a table and take my laptop down there and work in civilized environs. If I say environs, I bet he'll let me.
Other than that... hm. i finally made it over to Thetis to see the new family digs. Steph and Grant have done so much work as have my uncles. Will be nice to have a place to go hide in. More about Thetis later, though... it's possible that Big City Momma C may make her way island side for a business opp. Stay tuned.