But regardless of personalities, a had a woman tell me that entrepreneurialism often happens when there's simply no other choice in your own head. And I suppose that's what I came to.
I am very fortunate and complimented that Ricky's and Fatburger have stayed on as clients - I'll remain their creative resource for the time being. I look forward to this - I have always loved the work I do, just sometimes (right) not where I was doing it. So this is a great solution, and one that I hope benefits all parties.
So, hey, if you hear of a restaurant that is floundering, opening, or just in general need of some help, let me know.
NOW, on to my new favorite restaurant in the whole GD GVRD... Boneta. A mighty triumvirate front of house management team made up of Mark Brand (former award winning Chambar bar manager), Neil Ingram (former sommelier at Lumiere) and Andre McGillveray (former Le Croc, Lumiere and Chambar manager) makes walking in the door feel like a red-carpet experience every single time. Attentive, ridonkulously knowledgeable and damned fine dressers, these boys know how to treat a lady. Or a tramp, for that matter. Woot.
Jeremie Bastien is heading up the kitchen. I have sat here staring at my screen trying to think of the right words to describe his food... You know when you have such amazing sex - maybe you're partner used a "move" you hadn't known before? You lie there, spent and slightly confused, because you feel so good, yet you're not sure what just happened? All you know is that you want it again and again? Jeremie Bastien, ladies and gentlemen. Le petit mort of Gastown. Christ almighty.
I have now orgasmed over the food there over 6 times. Every time - criminal. Completely unfair. I find myself making excuses for leaving my other regular haunts after a few drink to sneak off in Boneta, plunk myself at the bar and go for another ride. I could go into a dish-by-dish diatribe, but that would be like dissecting fabulous love making. How gauche.
Just go. Keep your pants on. Just loosen the belt a little.