Quite a busy month - my cousin got married this last weekend - I was the emcee. Lots of fun, the weather was perfect and everyone was in great form. I got a wee sunburn on my cleavage, and seven mosquito bites on one leg, but other than that, am unscathed. Linda and Sunny were beautiful... My sisters were all in attendance, with their kids. I danced with my nephew, Shane - amazing kid, had far too much fun and got his crazy aunt to get him drinks. My niece, Lexi, is getting too pretty too fast for me. She's gonna be trouble. They're the cuties in the pic above.
I have officially given my notice at work - I'm going freelance!! It's a bit scary, but I think it's the right move for me now. Watch for IFG Creative Marketing. I'll post logos and pretty things later.
I keep telling myself that this is the perfect time for me to go for the self-employment thing. I use positive visualization, imagining myself being highly successful, winning awards and such... but then I think I cross the line between positive thinking and fantasy. Can you shout "In your FACE!" to people during positive visualizations? Laugh condescendingly right back at them? Remind them I'm ten years younger than they are and have all this ... HAHAHAHAHAHA!?
OK I'm fine now.
The really good news is my Neilio is likely coming home sooner than expected. Poor monkey all alone in Miami. Yuck.
Back to work (aka reading copyranter.)
We love you, we love you.....
We love you, we love you.....
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