Sunday, May 29, 2011

Suburban Call In

My toes are painted. The kids (not mine, my best friend's), are in bed. Laur and I are planning, singing, toasting and moving our lives forward, as always. We are deciding who would sing what. "When I die, this is the song I want..." "I love this song, this is my song..."

Music has always been mystical in my life. Not integral in the typical sense. We all love music, it affects us all. Music has had its mundane moments - sing for church, sing for family, sing for popularity. But this, tonight, is just for me. Just for my inner critic, and my inner ego. I reach higher notes, feel deeper breath, extend longer legato for just me and my friend. No audience. Just song for the sake of song. For the sake of the emotion is reminds or evokes. For the beauty of the music. Just cuz I can hit it. I think this is where true music lives for me. Not on a stage with hope of fame, but holding my dear friend's hand, sharing a tear over the realization that we know another part of each other through song.

That is all.