Ok, that's a bold faced lie. I've been NOT posting for this long quite intentionally. I have had a year, nay, two years, of expressing myself, letting people know what's what, getting my way or complaining that I haven't. Writing it all down has just seemed daunting. Or possibly could come of as braggery. "Thing are so great - I'm wildly successful, have a loving group of friends and family, live in Vancouver, eat, drink and make merry more than is religiously tolerated. News at 11." Really. To make up any cynical "woe-is-me" tale would be ungrateful and just plain bad karma. But then, as I was sipping on a glass of wine tonight, I realized that I have this blogging thing all wrong. I don't have to complain. I don't even have to be terribly witty. God knows I can string words together in a sensical fashion without sounding like a third grader, so maybe that's all I need to do. Nonsensical blathering, even if it's happy blather.
Not to say this year hasn't had it's relationship drama. Of course it has. It's me, for chrissakes. Well, maybe not Drama. Just little bumps in the road. THAT'S RIGHT FUCKERS - THAT'S ALL YOU ARE. BUMPS IN MY HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL, FABULOUS-SEX-LIFE ROAD!
I'm fine now. Onward and upward as they say.
So, let's have some fun and play character assasiniation. Last time I mentioned any boyfriend type material it would have been... hmm... July 2007, really. Hell. That's a while ago. I think I'd better grid this out...
August 2007 - online dating. Sucks. Hanging out with Peter a lot, as Neil is still in Florida.
September 2007 - Meet who we will call The Dirty Irishman. Fireworks, wine and some of the most ribald text messages I have ever recieved. Still get them, though on rarer occasion.
October 2007 - Erin go bragh, but still online dating. Nothing sticks.
November 2007 - Peter's birthday party. Meet The Lads. Hook up with one of them, whom we will call... Red Faced Heart Attack. I may one day explain why, but not tonight. RFHA and I begin to spend fairly regular time together. Still visit the Emerald Isle from time to time.
December 2007 - Between admisnistering CPR to RFHA and dancing with the leprechauns, I am a happy, sated woman. For once. RFHA and I plan and execute a smashing New Year's Eve Party.
January 2008 - RFHA and I cease to see each other over a drunk fight that, to this day, I do not recall or understand.
February 2008 - Mia introduces me to her former co-worker, whom we shall call The Rugby Player. We date for four months, do NOT have sex, I attempt to eat my way out of horniness, and it all ends with him literally disappearing off the face of the earth.
So that takes us to Late April. Oh, somewhere in March I hop back to Ireland. I plead insanity due to lack of sex.
So... April 2008 - I actually took a substantial break after Rugby. I was heart-sore and had other issues to deal with... I don't think I dated another soul for almost a year. I spent a fabulous summer hanging with Petey this year, lots of deck parties and silliness. The Irish showed up every once in a while for more wine and debauchery. Good times all around.
And now it's October. Fall has set in and I'm feeling like nesting and being cozy on a couch with someone. Met someone recently that shall remain unidentified for now. It's new and I'm not sure where it's headed. I have to remember not to over-think things.
I'm moving to Gastown, which makes me very happy. To be within walking distance of my favorite haunts will be lovely and expensive, but hey, I'm young and single, right? That's how we roll.
So there. A blog post for 2009.
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