Sunday, February 18, 2007

Oh nevermind...

A-twitter, a-shmitter. Next please. Whoever said I change men more often than I change socks was wrong. I don't own this many pairs of socks.

Onward and upward. There are things I could write here about my current dating situation, but I won't, just because I'd hate to get everyone excited for nothing. So you must wait.

I have recently been in touch with what I suppose the romantic side of me, when I don't kick it to the curb, would call an old flame. An old flame that got married and decided after five years to get in touch with me. And I certainly don't wish to sound unhappy about the resurfacing of the gentleman, I'm quite thrilled to hear from him. But it has sent the grey cells for a jaunt down memory lane. More on that once I'm done shaking my head in amazement.

Today, as I was driving home, I said aloud, "My life is very very good." I have good things and people around me, I live in a wealthy country and really want for very little.

So there you have it. A nugget of nothingness.

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